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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Home Made Drip Watering System
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Automated Vacation Plant Watering Kit
!±8±Automated Vacation Plant Watering Kit
Brand : EnviroDrip Irrigation KitsRate :

Price :
Post Date : Nov 26, 2011 15:46:59
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Automated Vacation Plant Watering Kit represents the latest advances in micro irrigation technology. You will find all the parts you need to irrigate up to 30 individual containers in a single zone. You can automate the entire watering process with the included self contained, battery operated hose end timer. This kit comes complete with everything you need to hook up to any standard water faucet or hose end. The tubing can be cut with simple scissors or utility knife.Kit includes: * (1) 100 feet - Premium Grade 1/4" Polyethylene Microtubing - Black * (1) Aquauno Logica Timer * (30) .5 GPH (Red) - PC Dripper on stake * (1) Hose Thread Backflow Preventer * (1) Inline Hose Filter * (1) 25 PSI - 3/4" Hose Thread Pressure Reducer * (1) Female Hose Thread Adapter with 1/4" Barb * (10) Goof Plug * (10) 1/4" Barbed Connector * (30) 1/4" Barbed TeeNote: Timer requires a single 9V batter (not included).
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Rule RainPerfect Solar Powered Rain Barrell Pump
!±8±Rule RainPerfect Solar Powered Rain Barrell Pump
Brand : RuleRate :

Price : $133.00
Post Date : Nov 24, 2011 00:01:54
Usually ships in 24 hours

The RainPerfect pump and solar panel install easily and provide plenty of pressure to run water through a garden hose. The pump provides enough pressure to run most low pressure sprinklers, was a car or water just about anything around your home. A convenient solar panel captures natural energy from the sun eliminating the need for electrical power to charge the battery. This makes the RainPerfect pump ready to go anywhere, anytime and involves no additional utility cost for you.
Monday, November 21, 2011
How To Choose The Best Coffee Maker
If you are a passionate lover of coffee, then you could very well be looking for the right coffee maker to have. Whether the machine is for your office or your very own house, getting the right one is an absolute imperative. But just what makes a coffee maker the right one for you? There are a lot of factors to consider here in getting the answer to that question. In fact, you just might have to ask some questions to get that answer. You need to ask yourself, just how fast do you want the preparation time of your coffee to be? Is it all right with you if your water and your coffee are heated simultaneously? Or would you want these processes to be done separately? What about timer features? Would you want a fresh pot of coffee brewed by the time you wake up? There is also the issue of space. Just how much space is available on your kitchen counter or cupboard? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself. The bottom line is, the best coffee maker is the one that can attend to all of your needs efficiently.
A popular favorite is the percolator. This is actually one of the older coffee makers in the market. When you want to brew mild coffee, then the percolator is something you should consider. The two types of percolators include the stovetop percolator and the electric percolator. The electric version can be left on its own because it is simply run by electricity. The stovetop version, on the other hand, needs to be monitored more closely.
Another type of coffee maker is the automatic drip. This is also one of the popular choices in the market. The automatic feature of this type of coffee maker is manifested in the fact that you can actually leave your coffee while it is being brewed. All you have to do is just start the machine and let it process your coffee for you. You can even go about your morning rituals without worrying about your water boiling over and such! It is actually the timer feature that comes with the automatic drip that allows you to go about your daily morning habits without any worries.
Finding the best coffee maker is indeed very important for any avid coffee drinker. Imagine having to jump from one type of coffee maker to another just because you have yet to find the perfect one! This can be quite frustrating. Keep these tips in mind to make the process more manageable.
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Sunday, November 13, 2011
Organic Gardening - Growing a Vegetable Garden With Limited Sunlight
Growing vegetables in the shade is not impossible. Planning and picking the right locations for your crops can provide you with a vegetable garden that will do just fine in the shade. Take advantage of the few sunny areas you have, choose the crops you grow carefully and you can even modify the shade areas to fit your gardening needs. With a little careful planning you will be surprised what you can grow in a partial shade area.
There is no doubt that full sun areas are by far the best choice for growing a vegetable garden. Plants need the sun for photosynthesis and to produce sugar.
To deal with shaded areas that you have to work with, you will first need to study the area, figure out how much sun and when those areas get sun, if any. Next figure out exactly what type of area it is, a partially sun or shade location is an area that receives two to six hours of sun, it can be either in the morning or in the afternoon. It can also refer to a full day of on and off sunlight. Most vegetables that prefer a full sun will grow in a partial shade area, especially if they receive the hours of full sunlight they need in the morning.
A garden that is considered lightly shaded is one that receives an intermediate amount of shade. It can be one that receives only an hour or two of direct sun during the day, but bright enough for the rest of the day to allow for a variety of crops like leafy green plants such as lettuce, spinach or broccoli to perform well in.
Full shade is an area that is usually found under mature trees that have dense foliage. Trees like large oaks and maples can cast this type of shade in the summer months. An Area that is heavily shaded under mature evergreens is often an area that is usually dry. A fully shaded area is a good location for woodland type plants and not a great place for vegetables.
A shaded area does have it's benefits. Gardening in the shade can conserve water and weeds don't grow as quickly. Anyone who lives in an area with a lot of trees knows a shady garden can be a pleasant place to spend time working in on a hot summer day. Whatever the type of shade area you have in your yard, you can make the most of it.
If you have a choice, choose an area that has morning sun. Shade in the afternoon will be better for your crops during the hot summer months, this is when the sun is it's most fierce. Severe temperature changes of shade in the morning and the hot blazing sun in the afternoon are difficult for most plants to handle. A gardens that faces east can benefit from the brightness of the sun in the morning and the shade in the afternoon. If your garden is in a location that is under deciduous trees, you can give your plants a head start by starting the seeds indoors or sow them directly into the garden early in the season before the trees form there leaves. The one thing about planting under trees is that the root system of the tree will compete with your garden plants for water and nutrients. Plants that are grown where there are trees will need extra care to make sure they receive the proper amount of water and nutrients to make up for there competition.
If anyway possible get your garden out past the trees drip line, this is where most of the trees root system will end. If that isn't possible, you may be better off to plant in containers under the trees to prevent your crop from having to compete with them.
Some of the vegetables that will tolerate shade, but should be planted in areas that will receive the most sun include beans, peas, potatoes, pumpkin, summer squash and early tomatoes. Crops like corn and peppers tend to not grow so well and produce modestly in partial shade.
Crops that are grown for there root crops and leaves will tolerate more shade than fruit producing crops. Beets,broccoli, carrots, celery, lettuce,radishes,spinach,and turnips can be quite happy in partially shaded areas, along with shallots,onions, garlic, chives, leeks and parsley. Plants that produce leaves can tolerate a partial to light shaded area because there leaves have a larger area to absorb the sunlight they need. Shaded areas can have there benefits with leaf crops. They can be more tender and succulent, without having the bitter taste that they tend to get when temperatures get too hot.
The one thing that you need to avoid when planting in a shade garden is crowding. Plants in the shade will spread out wider that when grown in full sun. Plant your crops wherever they will receive the most sunlight, even if you have to separate your crops in more than one location. Having smaller yields to harvest is better than not having any at all.
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